Tuesday, 18 October 2011

Prologue homework for Wed.

(Point form please)

Big idea

ideas in service of big idea (there seems to be a consensus that it's between 3-4)

ideas in service of those ideas (what and how and why)

Audience (bring in something good from outside for bonus)

the key to drama is......(for the big bonus)

Sunday, 16 October 2011

Homework for tuesday

Your choice of the ads we considered

in minute detail

point form

Monday, 10 October 2011

Advertising paragraphs for Friday

analyse the Saab ad

use either the "what is it...."  or,  "what's the big idea..."  structure

don't forget, AIDA, type, Big Idea, Image, Propaganda tools and rhetorical devices; and of course... Audience

no less than four and no more than six paragraphs please

Sunday, 9 October 2011

For Tuesday

Paper reflection, 1 good paragraph minimum

1- Ideas. How effectively did I stay on track with the overall idea(s)

2- Organization. how effectively did I organize my individual paragraphs, paper structure.

3- Holistic. "How great is my paper!" include discussion of images/videos/sound-files and spelling/grammar as necessary.